Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Scrapbook for Mrs. Coburn of her 07-08 AM Kindergarten Class

My son's kindergarten teacher is totally awesome and I wanted to show her how much she is appreciated. I made her a scrapbook of all the kids in my son's class. It ended up being a bigger project than I thought, but it was fun. I hit a few snags like running out of nearly all my adhesives, and my printer not wanting to print on cardstock (I should just go back to using an inkjet for things like this, no more fancy schmancy laser printer, that's only good for printing documents.) I hope you can't tell that near the end, I was running out of creative steam and trying to meet a self-imposed deadline. :) Thank you to all the parents who sent their kids' responses and pictures, it sure helped a lot! The pictures of the pages aren't great, but I was really tired last night ! If you click on the pictures, you can view them in full size and can read most of the things the kinder's said. Enjoy!

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